Wir freuen uns, dass der neue Ambulanzwagen nun gut im St. Thomas Home angekommen ist. Die Wortwahl von Mr. Naik, dem Zuständigen auf indischer Seite, ist indisch sehr salbungsvoll und für uns eher ungewöhnlich. Die Freude scheint groß zu sein!
Drs. Uta und Dankwart
Dear Dr. Uta & Dr. Dankwart,
Many greetings from the family of Bantra St. Thomas‘ Home Welfare Society.
We are apologizing that for a long time we could not communicate with you. Hope you are fine and healthy. We all were as usual here but suddenly a wind of joy has came in form of the new ambulance. Yesterday it has been brought to this home and we all are very happy for that. So, we are sharing some photographs of the ambulance and some words for your kindness, we have many well wishers and friends but you are like such type of friends who always think for well being of his/her dearest friends and we are very fortunate that we are your dearest one and for that you always extend your helping hands to us. Hope by the blessing of the God this relation will be lifelong unbreakable.
Thanks again for your continuous help and support for this home.
With Best Regards
Mr. Naik & Monika